Daviess County, Missouri
Posted Queries for May thru June 1999
posted by
Pat McAlpine
on Monday, May 3, 1999
I'm searching for info on my Grandmother, Gracie Lorene Shaw who is supposed to be from Daviess Co., MO. I don't know who her parents were but she ended up in OK and a Chas Shaw & Clinton Shaw ended up there also and both had Graces as daughters. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Pat McAlpine
posted by
James Joseph Waggoner
on Thursday, May 6, 1999
Searching for 'Dr. Elery Harvey WAGGONER, married to a 'Emaline Le. Dr. Waggoner lived in Daviess and/or Lewis County. He was used as a spy during the civil war for the North, as told by my father and his father. Our tree is as such: Dr. Elery Harvey Waggoner - Emaline Lee Greatg/father & Ggmother John Elery Waggoner - Gladys Bertha Scott Grandfather & Gmother Glenn Carl Waggoner - Carmela Mary Armeli Father & mother We are seeking any information that can expand this tree. We have no information as to who the parents are of Dr. Waggoner. We are told he had three other brothers, one I know of is "Harvey Waggoner" ( no idea of his were about). I was told they came from Alsace Lorraine, on the border of France and Germany. I was also told there is an Aunt Ellen (last name unknown) in or around Penhawk, MO.
posted by
Suzanna Wells
on Saturday, May 8, 1999
Francis Marion McDOW (native of Daviess Co.) mar 1 Mar 1868 Uretta E. HUFF (1849 Hancock Co, OH d. 1922 Gallatin, Daviess Co, MO d/o John HUFF and Sibella LONG). At her death in 1922, these five children (of the 8) survived: George Henry McDOW, Gallatin; James Perry McDOW, Gallatin; Mrs. Archie (Alice Julia) MITCHELL, Kansas City, MO; Mrs Evelina HOLMES, Gallatin; Mrs. Uretta Lamora LEWIS, Kansas City. Would appreciate any info or help..
posted by
Pat Lorentzen
on Sunday, May 16, 1999
I would like to make contact with Patti L. Silvestri whose query about Jesse ALLEN was posted to this site on Saturday, August 23, 1997. I'm a descendant of Jesse ALLEN's brother Isaac.
posted by
Joyce Wilson
on Thursday, June 3, 1999
STOVALL family in Daviess Co. 1870's. Surnames are Bridges, Warren, Huffman, Long. Family of Thomas J. STOVALL and Sarah "Sallie" TATUM STOVALL from Patrick Co. Virginia to Jackson Co. ,MO. to Daviess Co. by 1876. Searching for grave of Sarah "Sallie". Thomas is buried in Old Union. Also searching for burial of Susan L. A. Warren STOVALL that died around 1892-1894. She was the wife of John P. STOVALL. Also searching for any information on any family member.
posted by
Pat McAlpine
on Monday, June 7, 1999
I'm searching for information on Charles Shaw who was b. Jun 1858, IA?, parents were from PA. and his wife Cora M. who was b. Mar 1863 in IL. They were living in Daviess Co., Union Township, MO in 1900. He had a daughter named Grace that I think maybe my grandmother. Thanks.
posted by
Joan Cantrell
on Monday, June 7, 1999
I am trying to find information on ggrandmother's family I have a newspaper clipping on the death of Jestina GITHENS, her maiden name was NASH, dau. of Samuel and Anna Nash, near Salem in Daviess County, Mo. It also said that she was a member of the Salem Christian Church, Daviess County, Mo. also said her funeral discourse was preached by Elder Jordan at the Salem Christian Church, there was not a date on the clipping but it did say she was 42 years old. She was married to H.W. Githens and the mother of 2 dau. Elvina E Githens, b. 5/20/1870 Salem Mo, and Clara Githens, 10/2/1871 Coffey, Mo. Elvina married Curtis Clifford Poage on 3/4/1888 in Plattsburg, Mo, her children were, Roy Allen b. 3/3/1889 Plattsburg,Mo, Paul b. 3/20/1892 St Joseph, Mo, Ima Lee b. 2/27/1895 Starfield, Mo, Leona E. b. 10/11/1896, Gower, Mo and Clifford b. 9/8/1901 Gower, Mo. Thank you in advance for any information on the Nash and Githens families.
posted by
Tom Belton
on Tuesday, June 8, 1999
Looking for information on M.H. Patterson. He had at least 2 children Daisie Patterson 1883-1966 and Guy Patterson(?-1955). Guy was buried at Clear Creek Cemetery near Lock Springs. M.H. (Melburian Harvey) Patterson lived east of Gallatin.
posted by
Jeff Webb
on Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Looking for information on Sophia MARKSBURY born abt 1791 in Garrard County KY. Lived in grant County KY for a period. Supposedly died in Daviess County. Most likely in the mid 1800s.
posted by
Bob Myers
on Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Seeking information on an Ethel Lambert. Last known address was Pattonsburg, MO. in 1962.
posted by
Beth Frazier
on Saturday, June 12, 1999
I am searching for information on Elmer? FRAZIER and Anna EPPERSON. They were both born in Daviess County near Pattonsburg. They were married 1912 or 1913. I am trying to locate a census with either or both of them on it. They had two children a male and a female. Both of the children were born after 1921. Both Elmer and Anna EPPERSON Frazier Pearl were buried in Bethel Cemetary. Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
posted by
Carolynn Leblanc
on Monday, June 14, 1999
I actually suspect this is a query, but i am looking for info on the above families. Asa Hardin McGinnis b July 23, 1853 married to Lillian Wharton b Mar 23, 1864 on Dec 16, 1883. His father Anderson McGinnis born in KY died in 1879 in Winston, Daviess, MO. My mother lived with them in Altamont in the 1920's. I am looking for birth records for Asa as well as siblings, and I have no info at all on the Wharton family, I keep coming up with blanks everywhere. Any help will be appreciated
posted by
Beth Frazier
on Monday, June 14, 1999
I am searching for information on Anna EPPERSON. I am looking for her parents and siblings. They were from Pattonsburg, Mo. I am trying to find a 1900 Census for Daviess County to see if I could find Anna. She married in 1912 or 1913 to Elmer? Frazier. He was from that area also. She had 10 or 11 siblings. I know of two so far. John EPPERSON was living in St. Joesph, Buchanan Co.,Mo. The youngest child, Bud, lived in Witchita, Kansas until his death in 1993. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. Thank you.
posted by
Beth Frazier
on Monday, June 14, 1999
I am searching for information on Elmer FRAZIER. He was born in 1890 and died in 1939. I know that he is buried in Bethel Cemetary. I am trying to get some proof that he is my great grandfather. I believe he was from Pattonsburg, Daviess County, Mo. I am trying to locate someone who could look on the 1920 Census in Daviess County for Elmer and Anna FRAZIER. They would have been 30 and 26 on that census. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.
posted by
Judith Knight Marshall
on Wednesday, June 16, 1999
I am looking for parents of my ggrandmother Wilmouth Richardson who married Alfred Hammond. My grandmother Louvisa Hammond was born in LockSprings,Daviess County, Missouri on Sept. 14, 1881. Alfred Hammond may have married sisters both died in childbirth ( according to information from my mother).
posted by
Suzanna Wells
on Thursday, June 17, 1999
Lena HOLMES d/o Henry HOLMES and Eva McDOW mar. Theodore PENISTON. They had at least two children Edwin and Elenor. They were living in Union Township, Daviess Co., MO at the time the History of Daviess and Gentry Counties, MO, was printed. Seeking more info on the family.
posted by
Kathie Shores
on Sunday, June 20, 1999
I am searching for connections to George W. Pollard known to live in Gallatin, Daviess County 1900 and prior. Born in Missouri August 1856. Married Rhoda Jane Bradley May 13, 1890 in Daviess County. George and Rhoda had two children. Children were Lucena Bell Pollard born August 9, 1983, in Gallatin and William A. Pollard born February 1897, in Gallatin. Humphrey M. Pollard may be a relative on George W. Pollard. Rhoda and George divorced George W. Pollard and married George W. Lyon(s). Rhoda and George Lyon(s) had a son George R. Lyon November 1897 in Platte Township, Buchanan County. I am searching for connections to Isaiah (Isaah) Bradley born in Illinois about 1849. He is found in Daviess County in 1884. His wife was Eleanor (Ellen) born in Iowa about 1857, mother was Morning Bradley born in Indiana about 1820, Uncle was James Bradley born in Indiana about 1822, Aunt was Lucy Bradley born in Indiana about 1826, children were Rhoda Jane, Rose B. and James M. Children all born Missouri.
posted by
Frances P. Weddle
on Sunday, June 20, 1999
I am looking for any birth information for Robert Nathan Barnett, b. 6 March 1860 in Galleton, Daviess, Missouri. I am especially interested in who his parents were. All I know is that his father was born in Virginia. Thanks for any help you can give me.
posted by
Janet Anderson
on Sunday, June 20, 1999
My grandmother Lydia Ruanna Salmon Nutter England was the sister of Urlin SALMON who lived in Pattonsburg, Mo. He was first elected to the 55th general assembly and was re-elected in1938 and served the house in the 69th assembly. I am looking for information on the family and especially Benjamin SALMON (their grandfather) and Nelson their father. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer. Janet Anderson in Oregon
posted by
Robert L. Ross
on Wednesday, June 23, 1999
I am looking for records of a Wesley Lewis SMITH born somewhere about 1908 to 1912. He had several sisters and parents living in Pattonsburg. He married Marjorie Vivian HANKINS in 1930 and divorced in about 1932.
posted by
Dixie Lee English
on Saturday, June 26, 1999
I am searching for the following family: RICKER, Unk. B Unk. in Unk. D King City or Pattonsburg, MO. Buried in Pattonsburg Married- VAN KIRKENDALL, Lorinda B Abt. 1843 Buchanan, Berrien CO., MI Lorinda's maiden name was DRAGOO, her nick name Rinda or Rindy D Unk. King City or Pattonsburg, MO. Taken from my grandfather DRAGOO'S letters: After her divorce Rindy married a RICKER man, they lived on their farm 7 miles south of King City, MO all their married lives until they died. They are buried in Pattonsburg, MO. Any information on this family would be immensely appreciated.
posted by
Nina Batt
on Monday, June 28, 1999
I am looking for my g-grandparents L. John BURNS who was born in Daviess Co., Sept. 10, 1840 (buried) July 19, 1914 ..who married Dora JAMES (born 15 April 1848 from Randolph Co. Mo.) the had 3 children a son born in NE and a daughter born in Fremont Co., Iowa 22 April 1872 (Ada James)(married 2 Jan 1894)(died 15 Aug 1912 on a train going to the doctor), and a son in ID ...the Daughter married John Lincoln Benson (the first baby born that was born, in the largest wagon train that went to Oregon, when they arrived) any help or cousin out there looking pleae contact ....
posted by
Barbara Hammons Davis
on Wednesday, June 30, 1999
I have been searching for years for the place and date of my gg grandparents wedding. He was James Henry Hammons from Mercer Co., MO. She was Delilah Catherine Vanderpool whose father Bluford died in Gallantin, Daviess Co., MO. in 1867. I have recently found them on the 1880 census in Gallantin. Does anyone have access to Daviess Co., marriage records from 1877 to 1880 that would look and see if they were indeed married in Daviess Co.? I know it is a lot to ask but need help. I have census' for 1850-60 for both Mercer and Grundy Co.'s and also 1911 History of Mercer and 1881 History of Grundy and will gladly do lookups in exchange or if you need help. Thank you. Barbara
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Lori Beckett Pownall at LadyDruid@bigfoot.com.
This page was last updated January 20, 2000.
Query, Surname, and Researcher pages managed by CCHelper, an application written by Patty Lindsay.