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The following are the surnames that are listed on the census. The numbers
are the page numbers where those names are found:
A – B
Abbey, 52; Acord, 22; Adams, 29, 34; Adamson, 52; Aldridge, 14, 46;
Alexander, 8; Allen, 16, 19, 21; Anderson, 25; Armstrong, 8-9, 26, 37;
Arney, 25; Ater, 49; Atkinson, 29, 52; Atteberry, 29; Auberry, 16, 52;
Augustus, 25; Ayars, 47; Babbit, 32, Baber, 6; Bacon, 14; Bailey, 41,
44; Baker, 24; Ball, 21; Ballinger, 28-29, 37, 47-48; Band, 42; Bane,
18; Banks, 11; Barnes, 16; Barnett, 22; Bartlett, 12; Baxter, 51;
Bear, 35, 52; Becker, 45; Belcher, 45; Bell, 13; Belt, 52; Bennett, 20,
44; Bergen, 47; Best, 41, 52; Bingham, 52; Black, 9, 15, 52; Blakely,
19-21, 28, 52; Blankenship, 3, 5; Blizzard, 25; Bookstrod, 52; Booten,
9; Bouty, 30; Bowers, 19, 52; Bowman, 7, 52; Bowyer, 3; Boyce, 34,
Bradford, 7; Bragg, 30; Brasfield, 49; Bray, 37; Breeden, 3, 24, 36;
Brennon, 10; Brewer, 9; Brigman, 21; Brinnen, 4; Bristow, 4, 30;
Brosius, 12, 30; Brown4-6, 24, 27, 31, 34-36, 39, 49, 52; Brunk, 18;
Buckhold, 30; Burns, 2, 41, 52; Butler, 52, Buttler, 21, 47; Buzzard,
50; Byrd, 23, 31;
C - D
Cain, 40-41, 44-45; Call, 35; Callison/Collison, 50; Camlin, 27;
Campbell, 3-4, 10; Carlile, 14; Carraway, 39, 50; Carter, 11, 13, 38,
52; Casey, 22; Castor, 14, 52; Catlett, 31; Chapman, 23, 43; Charleton,
52; Chestnut, 21; Childs, 7; Clarke, 38; Clay, 16; Clendenen, 22, 52;
Cline, 36, 49; Clingan, 51; Cloud, 25; Coffee, 45; Coffett, 29; Cole,
13, 52; Collier, 8; Collins, 18; Collison/Callison, 50; Comer, 30, 52;
Compton, 52; Comstock, 28; Conduitt, 52; Cook, 22, 33-34; Cooper, 3, 6,
44; Coots, 37, 52; Cope, 7-8, 30, 52; Coulson, 16, 52; Covington, 11,
17; Cowan, 46; Cox, 18-19, 23, 26, 28, 52; Cravens, 24, 30, 52;
Creason, 11, 13-14, 32, 36; Creekmore, 1-2, 5, 52; Culver, 12; Cummons,
52; Curl, 35; Curtis, 17; Curtley, 46; Curtner, 27; Dailey, 5;
Davidson, 11, 35; Davis, 4, 18, 28, 40-42; Dearing/Deering, ,6;
Denton, 1; Devault, 52; Dickinson, 27-28, 41; Diestelhorst, 30; Dillon,
42; Dilly, 45; Dimick, 45; Dinnell, 34; Dinsmore, 22; Dodd, 51-52;
Doll, 14; Donaldson, 38; Donahoo, 52; Doneho, 11; Dosser, 28; Dotson,
13; Dowdy, 26; Dowell, 34, 36, 48; Downing 10, 16; Drake, 9;’ Drane,
15; Drummond, 24-26; Dryden, 52; Duncan, 2; Dunnington, 21; Durant, 52;
Durfey, 52; Durgon, 38; Duvall, 23;
E – F - G
Eads, 28; Edmonds, 37; Edwards, 16; Elliott, 27; Ellis, 46, 52;
Emerson, 25; Edmonson, 45; England, 19-20, 43; Enyart, 40, 52; Ervin,
26; Estes, 12, 30, 48; Etherton, 52; Everett, 46; Everly, 48-49, 52;
Farley, 22, 52; Farry, 51; Faulkner, 26; Feurt, 31-32; Fields, 5, 52;
Fine, 15; Fitzmorris, 45; Flincher, 33; Flint, 32; Foster, 25, 30, 32,
52; Frame, 31; Frazer, 6-7, 34; Frazier, 52; Freeman, 52; Freeny, 48;
French, 50; Frost, 2, 6, 7, 52; Fugett, 17; Furgason, 40; Gagan, 42;
Galloway, 35; Galbreath, 38; Gardner, 40, 53; Garrison, 7; Gay, 24;
Gee, 52; George, 29, 43; Gibson, 5; Gillespie, 38; Gillilan, 24-25, 27;
Gilreath, 2, 53; Githens, 41, 44, 52; Givens, 14; Glaze, 32; Godman,
34; Gooch, 49; Goodbar, 24; Goodman, 27-28; Gott, 39; Goutz, 33;
Graham, 43; Grant, 31, 47-48, 53; Grantham, 5; Graves, 53; Gray, 41;
Graybill, 17; Green, 4, 45, 50-51, 53; Gromer, 5-6, 44; Groomer, 52-53;
Groves, 2, 53; Grubbs, 53; Guthrie, 23-24;
H - L
Hale, 21; Hall, 12, 18-19, 45; Hamilton, 126, 33, 53; Hamlin, 26, 28;
Hammons, 35; Hand, 43; Hannah, 2; Harbord, 32, 38; Harmon, 3; Harper,
10, 33; Harrah, 36, 39; Harris, 40; Hart, 49, 53; Hays, 25, 42, 44;
Hedrick, 35; Hemry, 16-17; Henrpy, 53; Herrell, 45; Hershbarger, 19,
21, 53; Higby, 53; Higgins, 8, 9, 33, 38; Hill, 25, 53; Hillman, 45;
Hines, 6; Hobbs, 18, 27; Holland, 46; Hollidayk, 29; Hoover, 26;
Hopkins, 1, 4; Horseman, 19; Houston, 28; Howell, 53; Hubbard, 9, 45;
Hughes, 4; Hughey, 53; Hulett, 53; Hunter, 53; Hurley, 53; Hutchins,
53; Isaacs, 37; Jackson, 21, 28; Jacobs, 53; Jarret, 47; Jeffries, 31;
Jenkins, 45; Job, 53; Jobe, 36; Johnson, 6-7, 11, 13, 31, 34, 39,
48-50; Jones, 8, 50; Jorden, 26-27; Keene, 12; Keller, 6; Kelly, 40;
Kelso, 11, 13; Kemp, 25; Kennedy, 34; Kerby, 5; Kerr, 29; Kimble, 49;
Kines, 31; Kirkpatrick, 31; Knoll, 45; Koger, 1; Ladd, 7; Laird, 53;
Landisk 35-36; Lankford, 16; Latham, 10; Leach, 36; Leard, 7; Leat, 35;
Lee, 32, 53; Legerwood, 43; Lego, 35; Leitch, 23; Lenhart, 11; Lewis,
36, 51; Liggett, 53; Linnville, 15, 53; Lipstrap, 14; Littlefield, 53;
Livey, 53; Lockridge, 33; Lockwood, 41; Long, 22; Lots, 41; Louderdale,
50; Low, 40, 44; Lowry, 46; Loyd, 32; Luckhart, 24; Lyle, 14; Lynch,
12; Lynn, 1;
McAfee, 11; McBrayer, 10; McBryar, 11; McCaferty, 45; McClain, 12;
McClaskey, 50; McCloskey, 25; McClung, 24, 47, 53; McClure, 34, 53;
McCracken, 7; McCrary, 11, 15-16, 53; McCraw, 53; McCroskey, 41, 53;
McCue, 27; McCullock, 40; McCully, 3, 6, 53; McDaniel, 43; McDow, 17,
53; McFarland, 34; McFerren, 30; McGaugh, 10, 50, 51; McGarven, 50;
McGee, 11, 42, 53; McGlaughlan, 5; McGrue, 37; McHaney, 18, 53;
McKenny, 37; McKinney, 53; McLamy, 14; McLaughlan, 18; McMahan, 17;
McMillan, 47; McMurtry, 14, 53;
M - N
Macy, 53; Magaugh [see McGaugh]; Mageee, 29; Mallett, 53; Mallory, 1-2;
Mann, 13, 26, 37, 53; Mansfield, 27; Marks, 53; Marksberry, 2; Marsh,
53; Marshall, 41, 46; Martin, 16, 20, 53; Mason, 34; Maupin, 15, 29,
50; Mayfield, 45; Mead, 39; Meadows, 47; Mickels, 53; Middleton, 23-24;
Mikels, 35; Miller, 2, 13, 21, 24, 29, 31, 53; Mills, 48; Minnick, 28;
Minor, 8; Mitchell, 53; Mize, 47; Moberly, 27; Moore, 9, 11, 44, 51;
Morey, 53; Morgan, 21, 28, 44, 53; Morin, 53; Morris, 1, 7, 15, 39, 42;
Morse, 53; Moss, 16, 53; Muffley, 27; Mulholland, 40; Mullican, 48, 53;
Mullins, 53; Mulnix, 23, 30, 40; Muns, 53; Munson, 33; Murphy, 40,
47-48; Murray, 16; Myers, 1-2, 53; Nance, 3; Nation, 37, 49, 53;
Nelson, 30, 47, 53; Netherton, 21, 24, 32, 37-38, 53; Nevett, 53;
Nicholas, 39; Nichol/Nichols, 22, 24-26; Nicholson, 19, 37; Nickell,
38; Nickerson, 13; Ninemins, 4; Noah, 10; Noble, 24; Noel, 31; Norman,
9; Norris, 53;
O – P –Q – R
Odell, 32, 48, 53; Offield, 28, Ogden, 25; Ogle, 3; O’Keeffe, 43;
Oldacre, 3; Orr, 1; Osborn/Osborne, 8-9, 21, 53; Overman, 30, 47;
Owens, 8; Owings, 8, 31; Oxford, 26, 36, 53; Packwood, 30; Parker, 26;
Partlow, 51; Pantrick, 10; Patton, 2, 4; Pausey, 50; Payne, 11, 19,
21-22; Peery, 39, 42-45, 53; Pell, 43; Peniston, 29-30, 53; Pennington,
5; Phillips/Philips, 6, 33; Piles, 23; Place 1p7; Pliley, 34; Poage,
31; Pool, 53; Powell, 14, 40, 44; Prewitt, 2, 18, 20, 33, 53; Price, 3,
26, 39, 53; Prichard, 26; Pryor, 35, 50; Pugh, 49; Pullum, 14; Pyle,
45; Raglan, 15; Rains, 42; Ramey, 43; Ramsbottom, 10, 15; Ramsey, 7;
Redder, 25; Redding, 54; Reed/Reid, 2, 9, 13, 54; Renolds, 13; Rhea,
27; Rhoads/Rhodes, 37, 54; Rich, 53; Richardson, 30; Rigg/Riggs, 14,
21; Roberts, 38, 42, 53; Robinson, 30; Rogers, 15, 51, 53; Rookstool,
39; Roper, 5, 53; Rose, 7, 26; Ross, 3-4, 9-10, 40, 45, Rowell, 53;
Rowland, 5, 9, 23, 32, 29, 54; Rulon, 42; Rumyard, 34; Ryne, 40;
S – T
Salmon, 42, Sampson, 54, Scott, 18, 54; Sevier, 48; Shanks, 33; Sheets,
30; Sheffer, 13; Shelly, 1; Shepherd, 43; Sherrell, 8; Shriver, 31;
Shrum, 4; Shuler, 51; Sint, 43; Sleagle, 13, 17; Sluss, 42; Smith, 2-3,
6, 8, 15, 22-23, 28-29, 33-34-, 36, 46, 48-49, 51, 54; Smoot, 18;
Snelling, 43; Snider, 22; Spain, 13; Spencer, 45; Spiers, 41; Splawn,
13-15, 21, 37, 54; Stanton, 8; Stapleton, 42; Stephenson, 23, 31;
Stevens, 4, 23, 54; Stokes, 17, 18, 54; Stollings, 29, 54; Stone, 16,
54; Story, 37; Stout, 5; Sullige, 21; Surface, 11; Sweaney, 4;
Tarwater, 17, 54; Tate, 47; Taylor, 2, 7, 40, 46, 54; Terry, 27, 31,
33, 38; Tetherow, 39, 54; Thomas, 38, 47; Thomason, 8; Thornton, 54;
Thwaits, 22; Tibbles, 36; Tippit, 19; Tolin, 18-19; Trosper, 20, 54;
Trotter, 3-4; Tuggle, 19, 21; Tunnell, 48; Turner, 5, 54
U – Z
Vallandingham, 12, 54; Vance, 14; Vanderpool, 54; Vandeveer, 44;
Vanover, 3; Vantress, 21; Venable, 23; Vesser/Vessor, 6, 54;Walker, 8,
28, 43, 46; Walls, 46-48; Ward, 16; Warren, 26, 37; Waters, 32; Watson,
38, 49; Watts, 34; Webb, 5, 45, 54; Weiser, 54; Welch, 39; Welcher, 7;
Weldon, 20, 50, 54; West, 9-10; Westpheling, 45; White, 48, 51;
Whitman, 38; Whitt, 15, 17, 22; Whittington, 12; Wiles, 36; Wilkins,
46; Wilkerson/Wilkinson, 21-22; Williams, 4, 7, 25, 33, 37, 40, 54;
Williamson, 21; Wilson/Willson, 20, 23, 42, 51, 54; Wirt, 50, Wiser, 1;
Wood/Woods, 9, 18, 54; Woodard, 17; Wooderson, 14, 51; Woolsey, 20;
Woolverton, 9-10; Worthington, 54; Wortman, 46; Wright, 54; Yates, 29,
45; Young, 54; Youtsey, 4-5, 22.